
Resultados del proyecto

Ciclo de seminarios web: seminarios web de formaci贸n sobre la planificaci贸n del proceso creativo.

Discover the series of webinars and videos on upcycling projects designed to inspire creativity and raise environmental awareness. These resources offer practical upcycling tips and simple sustainability practices for primary and secondary teachers, families and students.

If you are a teacher, you can explore interactive content with expert advice on integrating STEAM approaches into upcycling activities. Learn how to design and assess STEAM lessons and discover creative materials and techniques for the classroom.

If you are a parent, you can find out about the benefits of upcycling and support your children's involvement in sustainability projects. If you are a student, raise your voice and take part in upcycling initiatives to make a difference.

Together we can make a positive impact on the environment and bring about meaningful change. We encourage teachers, parents, students and the general public to engage with these innovative methods and harness their power to drive environmental progress.

"El apoyo de la Comisi贸n Europea a la elaboraci贸n de esta publicaci贸n no constituye una aprobaci贸n de su contenido, que refleja 煤nicamente la opini贸n de los autores. La Comisi贸n no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la informaci贸n contenida en ella"
