
Blended course

How to apply STEAM to teach upcycling to children

STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) is an interdisciplinary approach that integrates these subjects into a cohesive learning experience. This method integrates the subjects and focuses on their application to real-world situations.


STEAM education emphasises creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills by giving students opportunities to solve complex problems using critical thinking, inquiry, and design skills. It also promotes collaboration and teamwork, both of which are necessary skills in today's workforce.

After reading this module the learner will be able to address and tackle the following topics:

  • Learners will seek to develop and enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as identify problems, generate and evaluate solutions, and make informed decisions.
  • Through the integration of art and design, learners will be encouraged to think creatively and approach problems in new and innovative ways.
  • Learners will take an active part in collaboration and teamwork and be encouraged to work effectively in teams, communicate ideas, and share responsibility for achieving shared goals.
  • Learners will develop their communication skills, including the ability to explain complex ideas and concepts to others, as well as use a variety of media and technologies to communicate their ideas effectively.
  • Learners will be provided with technical skills necessary to complete hands-on tasks in reusing and upcycling various materials, fabrics and compositions.

Learners will develop cultural awareness and an appreciation for diversity through the integration of art and design, as well as understand and respect different perspectives and ways of thinking.

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