
Blended course

Creating ideas related to art and music

Creating art from recycled materials is a creative and environmentally friendly way of reducing waste. It also allows for greater creative flexibility and enables people to express themselves in an original way. Turning everyday objects into art objects: There are many possibilities for transforming everyday objects into art. You can, for example, use old CDs, discarded furniture and even bottles to produce artwork. Examples: Old furniture can be used to create sculptures, CDs used to create murals, and even plastic bottles that can be used to create windmills. Create musical instruments with recycled materials: Making musical instruments from waste is an excellent way to express our creativity. The main materials used to make musical instruments are cardboard, wood, metal and plastic.  

After reading this module…

    • The reader will be able to identify the potential of transforming everyday objects into art and music.
    • The reader will be able to demonstrate the ability to create art and music from everyday objects.
    • The reader will be able to explain the importance of recycling and reusing materials for art and music.

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