
Cycle of training webinars on Creative process planning

International webinars

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Watch our webinar series on creative process planning. Created in collaboration with our project partners, these three English-language webinars are designed to help teachers discover the benefits of upcycling as a practical teaching tool. Find out how you can create exciting lessons and improve student learning through upcycling.

Webinar 1 - Enviromental Challenges in Creative Recycling

A webinar for educators and creatives to learn more about upcycling and take advantage of Erasmus plus opportunities

Webinar 2 - Design and Assessment in Upcycling in Education

In this webinar, we explore the challenges and assessment strategies in upcycling education. Get advice from experts on integrating STEAM approaches into upcycling activities and learn how to design and assess STEAM lessons.

Webinar 3 - Creativity and materials

In this webinar we discuss creative ways of implementing upcycling through art, creativity and innovative ways of using materials..

National webinars

As part of the Upcycling Project, we organised 7 webinars in Spain, Cyprus, Iceland, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Portugal. Each webinar was tailored to the needs of the local school communities and held in their native language. The webinars aim to improve pedagogical practise in schools across Europe by helping teachers to explore creative upcycling methods.

Click on the video to find out more about how these webinars can transform your approach to education and upcycling.

Webinar about the educational future of Spain: STEAM in the classroom (in Spanish)

On June 20, 2024, Open Europe hosted a webinar led by Elena Chapa, focusing on the Upcycling project and its resources for Spain. The session emphasized the importance of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) methodologies in primary and secondary school classrooms. Chapa highlighted key skills for the 21st century, such as curiosity, problem-solving, and creativity. She explained the Engineering Design Process, demonstrating how these inquiry-based and problem-solving methods prepare students for future challenges.

Creative Upcycling in Science: STEAM and Outdoor Education

This webinar, hosted by Reykjanes Geopark and GeoCamp Iceland, explores how upcycling can be applied to science education, STEAM subjects, and outdoor learning. The aim is to introduce teachers to creative upcycling methods, both in the classroom and in nature, focusing on engaging students and inspiring creativity. Participants will receive practical guidance on connecting sustainability with curricula and developing students’ problem-solving skills. In this way, the webinar supports education on environmental stewardship and the responsible use of natural resources in a sustainable and innovative manner.

What is upcycling and how to use it at schools.

In October 2024 Malgorzata Dega the teacher from Primary school in Jaslikow presented the national webinar about upcycling. The aim of the webinar was showing the importance of upcycling activities especially at schools. She explained what the upcycling is and she presented the ideas how to use upcycling during the lessons.

Webinar on upcycling in Cyprus

The webinar "UP-cycle!" presents effective ways on how to learn how to take control of the upcycling process. This session is perfect for educators and parents interested in sustainability. We will explore creative strategies to reuse materials and integrate upcycling into children's education. Discover how upcycling can transform learning experiences and promote environmental responsibility.

Empowering Creative Learning: Implementing Upcycling Education for a Sustainable Future

Join us for an insightful webinar on implementing upcycling education, where we explore how creative learning and sustainability can be integrated into educational practices. This session will provide educators, policymakers, and innovators with practical tools and strategies to inspire students through upcycling, fostering environmental awareness, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Discover success stories, best practices, and resources to promote sustainable education and help shape the future of the next generation.

Examples of Upcycling products

Discover the following upcycling creations. See how everyday objects can be transformed into eco-friendly supplies.

Webinar sulla conoscenza dell'ucpycling

Con questo video parliamo di upcycling, cioè del riciclo creativo, come strumento per apprendere scienze, tecnologia, creatività, scienze e matematica. Infatti, tramite laboratori, materiali di guida, podcasting siamo riusciti a coinvolgere scuole e bambini per riflettere sui prodotti e i materiali.

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