
Blended course

Primary education

Activity 1
I pledge to protect the environment
Activity 2
Be an eco-sculpture architect.
Activity 3
Turning Trash into Treasure
Activity 4
Upcycling STEAM Challenge: Engineering Design Process for Primary School Children
Activity 5
Creating musical Instruments with waste
Activity 6
Tin Can Lanterns
Activity 7
Upcycled Art Exhibition
Activity 8
Educational Critical thinking game

Secondary education

Activity 1
Real-life problem solving: Environmental challenges in our neighbourhood / community / country
Activity 2
Reclaim and use. Eco fashion.
Activity 3
Upcycled Wearables
Activity 4
Building a Rube Goldberg Machine using Upcycled Materials
Activity 5
Transforming daily objects into art
Activity 6
“Piggy Bank”
Activity 7
Upcycling Entrepreneur Challenge
Activity 8
Vocabulary crossword

"El apoyo de la Comisión Europea a la elaboración de esta publicación no constituye una aprobación de su contenido, que refleja únicamente la opinión de los autores. La Comisión no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información contenida en ella"
