
Blended course

Primary education

Activity 1
I pledge to protect the environment
Activity 2
Be an eco-sculpture architect.
Activity 3
Turning Trash into Treasure
Activity 4
Upcycling STEAM Challenge: Engineering Design Process for Primary School Children
Activity 5
Creating musical Instruments with waste
Activity 6
Tin Can Lanterns
Activity 7
Upcycled Art Exhibition
Activity 8
Educational Critical thinking game

Secondary education

Activity 1
Real-life problem solving: Environmental challenges in our neighbourhood / community / country
Activity 2
Reclaim and use. Eco fashion.
Activity 3
Upcycled Wearables
Activity 4
Building a Rube Goldberg Machine using Upcycled Materials
Activity 5
Transforming daily objects into art
Activity 6
“Piggy Bank”
Activity 7
Upcycling Entrepreneur Challenge
Activity 8
Vocabulary crossword

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